Today we look at what I feel is the most important rule of physical training, and a critical component in planning for success along our Resolution Road Trip – Rest!

The past month has been filled with waaaay too much stress. Too much running around, too much focus on money, too much food, too much booze, not enough sleep, in some cases too much family, and far too much pressure on ourselves.
Even the pressures we place on ourselves to make resolutions and be successful in accomplishing these can be stressful. “Gotta prepare my food”. “Gotta get to the gym”. “Gotta read that blog”. Does it make sense to have our attempts at healthy living become an added stress – a bit oxymoronic and counterproductive if ya ask me?!
When it comes time to put efforts in to our resolution-oriented activities, a workout, meal planning, a run, or reading, do we have the energy, mental capacity and focus required to do so efficiently or do we find ourselves too drained from the rest of our life? How far do you really think you’re going to get functioning like this? How long do you think you can sustain the efforts that you’ve outlined (PoA) to accomplish your goal?
Remember, we’re trying to put forth our BEST effort on a consistent basis, and if our “best” is generally sub-par, then so are the results that we will achieve.
(Now I must add the caveat that this isn’t a license or excuse to slack off. This is time for a little reality check.)
We need to take a quick (and honest) look at our lives, lifestyles and activities and ask, “Is everything I’m doing a necessity?” “Do all of the things that I’m doing contribute to the success of goals or are there some that prevent me (either directly or indirectly) from putting my best foot forward?” To refer back to my favourite Einstein quote where insanity is defined as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
As we answer these questions honestly, do we need to think about paring back a bit and allowing ourselves some time to rest, relax, rejuvenate, replenish?
As we continue to tweak and tailor our Plan of Action, we need to include rest in that. Just as you schedule and plan for workouts, meal prep or self-improvement activities, we need to include time for rest and relaxation in this formula. Work, work, work kind of makes sense in terms of achieving our results – we’re programmed to believe that more and harder is better.